“You need handfuls of hope and a well full of water
And the will to keep soldiering on”
This post was free-written while listening twice through to the below recording of the song “Small Steps” by Rob Schiffmann and Jon Rothstein, a.k.a. The Hillary Step. I made myself stop when the 2nd play through stopped. Enjoy!
Small Steps

Small Steps is a song about the need to overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. It was written after watching the documentary “Touching the Void”, which is about two mountain climbers who found themselves in peril and the one of them who had to walk six miles over a boulder field with a shattered leg. He spoke of thinking about the ‘small steps’ of getting 20 feet to the next rock rather than thinking of the full six mile journey and how this made it seem more possible and less intimidating. The song eventually became called “Small Steps – Karen’s Song”, after my Aunt Karen Kazanjian was dealing with chemotherapy for the breast cancer that eventually took her life. She told me that she shared it with her chemo community as a source of hope for them in dark times. I don’t think I have ever felt so honored in all my life.
This recording was performed by the students of St. Cloud High School in Osceola County, Florida for their February 2017 production of “Full Circle”, directed by Nina Cochran and music directed by me!
Come hear “Small Steps” live!!
Wanna hear this song live and in the flesh?
“Full Circle: upbeat depressing songs about life in your 40s at four in the morning”
performs on 12/16 and 12/17.