Connections – An Emcee’s Calling
Rob Schiffmann

One of my favorite things to do when emceeing for a corporate event is to head out into the audience with my microphone. I go out with only one agenda: make the people I meet look good. I do brief interviews with them and see what kind of connections I can make between the various folks I get to talk to. It is simple and uncomplicated and nonetheless, a very good way of making people shine within a large organization.
It can be really fun to find simple connections between participants. For example, yesterday at the IBM Think 2018 event, I met a man whose hobby was that he enjoyed wine tasting. A few people later, the gentlemen I asked to talk to me had a brief moment of stumbling as he stood from his seat. This was followed by the obvious statement: “I see you have been enjoying some wine tasting as well.”
I feel like my job at these events is multi-leveled. I have to drive home the messaging in a way that is memorable and fun. I have to make sure that all participants, from executive to stagehand, look good. Finally, I have to do what I can to create community. Although it’s subtle, finding ways to connect people through these silly interviews is a fun way to do it.
Want me to come help create community at your event? Email me at